          WWW Form Submission
          Mon, 19 Jan 1998 10:36:20 -0600
          [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 () on Monday, January 19, 1998 at 10:36:18
Todaysdate: 1/19/98
results: X
name: ]Br]Whizperz
nick: ]Br]Whizperz
clan: Bleeding Red
clan1: ]Br]
clan2: <0>
winner1: ]Br]
winner1pts: 889
loser1pts: 21
winner2: ]Br]
winner2pts: 468
loser2pts: 82
WinnerClan: ]Br]
comments: Good game to <0>! They are a really cool clan and were the best sports I've ever seen from a clan.  We played Game 1 as Spill and Game 2 as Two Towers.