          WWW Form Submission
          Fri, 23 Jan 1998 00:46:27 -0600
          [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 () on Friday, January 23, 1998 at 00:46:26
Todaysdate: 1/23/98
results: x
week#: 2
name: Brent Nelson
nick: Bane
clan: Wolf
clan1: Wolf
clan2: KF
winner1: KF
winner1pts: push
loser1pts: game2
winner2: KF
winner2pts: 283
loser2pts: 270
WinnerClan: KF
comments: Ooh, a squeaker!  The first game, ctf1, was a Charlie Foxtrot, courtesy of a couple KFs.  Second game was winner-take-all on T-Bird's suggestion and KF won E1M1 as blue, by 13 points according to player totals.  From the stats, we were outplayed.  76% efficiency for Wakko!  Well, at least he can Quake.  Congrats, Scar!