          WWW Form Submission
          Wed, 4 Feb 1998 12:36:24 -0600
          [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 () on Wednesday, February 4, 1998 at 12:36:23
Todaysdate: 02/04/98
results: X
week#: 4
name: rick jones
nick: Ghostdad
clan: SoD
clan1: sod, ct
clan2: ct, sod
matchdate: 1/30/98
time: 10:00
zone: CST
winner1: CT
winner1pts: 281
loser1pts: 40
winner2: CT
winner2pts: 356
loser2pts: 77
WinnerClan: CT
comments: This was a great matchup - I really thought we (SoD) were gonna win this one - with a begining stalemate - I thought our Defense was gonna take the mines to CT - but alas they got threw the defense for a capture...and then more.  However  Ghostdad(me) was on fire (see screenshots) with some big time kills and SoD point leader for level! Second game we were even better - but couldn't hold middle and defense broke down with some bad regens and lag probs. this level had to be restarted on another server after everyone got Dc'd from the server we were on!  Took 2hrs to get this match done - Match-a-marathon...